AREBT Practitioners

Association for Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy List of Practitioners

This is a complete listing of AREBT Full Members



Categories of Membership

Whilst anyone interested in the field of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy can become an Affiliate, Associate or Academic member of the Association, only those who have attained one or more of the following qualifications are recognised by the Association as Qualified to become Full Members of the AREBT and listed here as AREBT Practitioners.

Their details will show one or more of the following letters after their name:

MAREBT i.e., An individual member of AREBT who has completed core training in REBT and has an additional relevant core professional qualification, and registration in one or more of the following professions:

  • Psychotherapy e.g., BABCP or UKCP Registered/Accredited Psychotherapist
  • Psychology e.g., CPsychol Chartered Psychologist, HCPC Registered
  • Counselling e.g., BACP registered or NCS Accredited
  • Nursing e.g., Occupational Therapist
  • Psychiatry

Or have attained a Master of Science in REBT (MSc)

MAREBT (Accredited)

Members who satisfy all the above AREBT Full Membership Criteria and have demonstrated an advanced level of training in REBT (usually at Postgraduate Degree/Masters level) and have fulfilled the criteria with regard to accreditation.  Accredited Members sign an annual declaration with regard to minimum standards of supervision and continued professional development each year.

Once accredited with the AREBT, Members can register on the joint AREBT/BABCP register of accredited REBT/CBT Psychotherapists: The CBT Register i.e.,

The CBT Register is a joint register of all accredited AREBT and BABCP REBT/CBT Psychotherapists in the UK

  1. Our members may also be accredited as coaches, trainers and supervisors.

MAREBT (Listed AREBT Counsellor)

Members who satisfy all the above AREBT Full Membership Criteria.   They will also be either a qualified Counsellor or Psychologist and have completed additional core training in REBT.  Listed AREBT Counsellors renew their listing each year by agreeing to maintain minimum standards of supervision and continued professional development.

These members will need to have demonstrated core professional qualification in Counselling or Psychology, and registration in one or more of the following professions:

  • Psychology e.g., CPsychol Chartered Psychologist, HCPC Registered
  • Counselling e.g., BACP registered or NCS Accredited

The following categories of membership also apply:

SENIOR AREBT Accredited- awarded to members who have demonstrated Continued Professional Development and on-going Supervision for more than 5 years.

FAREBT: Fellowship given to members of the Association who have been foremost in promoting REBT and/or The Association of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy.

AREBT Accredited Coach i.e., Rational Emotive Behavioural Coach award.


All our Full Members agree to abide by our Code of Conduct:

Code of Conduct – Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

If you have any cause for complaint against a therapist who has not adhered to this Code of Conduct, please refer to the following details as to how to lodge a complaint.

AREBT Complaints Procedure – Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy